Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Five examples of things we avoid during a creative brainstorm session.

Imagine Marketing is an idea factory. And like any factory, the key to success is efficiency. Although the creative process can seemingly take a considerable amount of time to go through, rushing it could eradicate the quality of an idea we develop for a client.

However, just like any service provider in their line of work, we develop and implement standards that help to streamline the creative process. There are simple issues our team regularly avoids during the process, all of which can stifle creativity.

Here are five examples of things we avoid during a creative brainstorm session:

The inner critic: It will always be your greatest enemy. It comes from the fear of being judged or of being perceived as talentless or ignorant. This is a difficult hurtle to overcome, but it is the most important one because your best work will always be left at the bottom of a pile of self doubt.

Piling on messaging: This happens often, especially with people who don’t understand the creative process. Ideas and creativity are mysterious and have the ability to do anything, so people try to cram as much as possible into one idea. There is a limit to the weight an idea can bare. A cluttered, complex idea may feel gratifying to the creator, but it will only be an obnoxious mess to the observer. The message must always be precise and to the point. It is important to realize that although there is no limit to the process one goes through to come up with an idea, there is a limit to effective creativity in the end product.

Lack of knowledge: Writers always say “write what you know.” If you have been hired to create something for a client, you really need to understand everything about them that is relevant to the goal. After a while of going through the process, you should be able to trust your instinct enough to ask the right questions, thereby giving them the creative results they need.

Following rules: The rules in the creative process can be complicated. There needs to be an objective as well as a limit to the development of ideas. If a person offers an idea nobody likes, they should be given a chance to explain why the idea can be effective. It is unwise to kill ideas immediately. Great ideas have often come from concepts that were initially disregarded but fought for. That being said, if the idea is still not effective to the majority after it’s explained, you must move on.

Being too creative: There is a tendency to get excited about an idea and take it way too far. Exploring concepts is dandy, but there is a fine line between creative exploration and wasting time. Always remember the objective and realistic implementation of an idea. Stay on time and within budget otherwise it’s a pointless endeavor.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Global Warming

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words

Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn.") and is said to have called it his best work.
I gave it a shot:

“He believes every lie he tells.”

“Her last words were “I’m bored”

“My son held her hand, regardless.”

“The hypocrite controlled everyone he knew.”

“The cigarette ashes gently arced downward.”

“She could fix anything with string.”

“His grandmothers hair smelled like diesel.”

“She would never walk slow enough.”

“The photograph I lost revealed everything.”

“Her voice once made him happy.”

Monday, February 15, 2010

$10 goes a long way...


I will be participating in the St. Baldricks's fundraiser this Saturday. Imagine is trying to raise money and ANY contribution you could give would be greatly appreciated. The fundraiser raises awareness and money for children with cancer. It will be a ...fun event with live music as some of you might already know I love everything Irish. Hope to see you there and again thanks for taking the time to consider a donation or even participating. Spread The Word!

More information below.

Even $10 goes a long way... http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/365256
Got to the site to donate and enjoy a pint with good friends...

Go raibh maith agaibh!

(Thank you)


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to draw a Dragon.

I think all artists, that are able, should do this. It's a great way to take the mystery out of something we take for granted. I always have people looking over my shoulder so fascinated at the process of creating artwork. I've argued this point with many people. I think everyone, EVERYONE has the ability to be creative. I think creativity in all it's incarnations egsists in all of us. I see them as a hall of doors. Some people have closed doors and others have them wide open. Others keep those doors locked but always have the keys hidden somewhere. The ability to create art is not God given to just a few. It's Man nurtured by all who choose to. It's something to be worked for. Something you labor after. Practicing the craft over and over again is what makes you good at it. Anyone who would like to be able to draw a Dragon could do so. Not the same day but after spending the time drawing over and again. When I say art I mean all forms of art. Writing, acting, singing, painting, architecture... Now I do believe some people are born with some of these doors already open. But that the doors exist in all of us. It's just a matter of going for it.